Thursday, October 21, 2004


John respectfully declined my offer to run for Vice President in 2008. He said he doesn't like Politics. Neither do I, that's why I *might run in 2008. In fact, maybe I should run in 2004. There are only couple of weeks left. I have three solid votes now, maybe 4 if you count my dog Ruff (just kidding I didn't register him in time).

So *maybe I will run in 2004. I will let you know by November 1st. That will give me plenty of time to get my campaign message out before voting day.

Please check back on November 1st, so you can know whether to vote for me or not.

*Notice the indecisiveness above, it's necessary to be indecisive and to flip-flop on issues if you are in Politics. I am getting better at Politics everyday...


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