Monday, June 13, 2005

Back from my hometown in South Florida

I just got back from attending my friend of 16 years wedding in Florida. It was really nice. I was one of the groomsmen and also an usher. It was a very Italian wedding, with both bride and groom being Italian. While I am not Italian, after the wedding I started saying things like "butta bing, butta boom" and the like. I probably will be blogging about my trip to Florida for the next month. While Jill and I are not Italian, we fit in by bringing our 11 week old baby named "John Victor", who has a very Italian sounding name and whose middle name is Italian after my Italian Uncle, Victor Sebastini.

Now, I just have to tell you this interesting story my Uncle Vic told us after his trip to Italy. My uncle Vic (may he rest in peace), took a trip with his wife to Italy when he turned 80. So he and his wife Thelma are out shopping and they walk up to the counter to pay for some things. The person at the counter says,
"Mr Sebastiani, you don't owe us anything. Your money is no good here, take what you want."

My uncle is thinking,
"How did she know my name?"

So then he insists he has to pay. The person at the counter insists they won't take his money. So after a while he moves on to the next store. Same story. In fact, everywhere they went people would call him Mr. Sebastiani and act really nice to him. Nobody would let him pay for meals, etc.

He figured that he must have looked like one of "the Sebastianis" who own the famous vineyards and wine company.

Anyway, back to the wedding. It was very nice and I really believe that John and Andrea will be happy together. John is truely a good man and his new bride Andrea seems like a very nice woman, who is very much in love with him.

More on the trip later, either on this or my thankful blog.


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