Sunday, January 01, 2006

Problems at the ER

It's been a busy week. I just wanted to tell you that if you live in the Northwest Houston area I don't recommend taking any injured kids to the Methodist Willowbrook Hospital on 249. My wife did not have a pleasant experience there.

The other day our 3 year old (Joseph), fell off the couch while trying to jump from the backrest to the couch cushion and his head landed on the corner of a wooden box shaped toy. He opened up a pretty big gash in his head and we had to take him to the emergency room. Jill took him and the doctor who treated Joseph put him in straight jacket restraint when putting in the stitches. The doctor also took a very LONG time to put the stitches in. Not a pleasant experience.

When Jill took him to a different doctor for the wound check, Jill reassured Joseph that all visits to the doctor won't be so bad. Joseph said that only one part of the visit was bad about the trip to the ER and Jill asked what was the one bad part?

Then Joseph said, "Well, there were two bad things." Jill asked what the two bad things were.

Then Joseph said, "Well, there were three bad things."

Jill asked what the three bad things were and Joseph said, "It was all bad."

Needless to say we will never take any of our kids to the Willowbrook ER again.


Blogger gmanty said...

It might have been true, but the nurse even told the doctor to hurry up during the procedure. He took FOREVER to stitch him up and quite frankly we felt like the doctor was horrendous compared to the other doctors we have had put stitches in our children for various accidents. I understand the reason for the straight jacket, I just think it was barbaic compared to other options that would have worked better. Like giving my wife a chance to calm down our usually calm child. Of course waiting in the ER so long probably didn't help. I have been another ER with a child who had need stitches and they took us through a faster track, it took about 1/5 of the time to get through. I am sure that many of the doctors at that ER are fine, but the one we got was HORRIBLE. My wife can elaborate on the details.

5:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Imagine yourself as a child about to be stuck with needles and poking with a needle and thread and i doubt you would be able to be calmed down. I also highly doubt that a nurse was telling a doctor to hurry up. Thats not the way it goes around here. The doctor was also probably taking his time and thats what took so long. Also when you are waiting to be seen it can feel like forever especially when it deals with your kids. This hospital is a great place. It is small and it is normally feast or famine in the ER. We have a fast track during the day however we dont have it at night. If my child was hurt or sick i would bring them here before i took them anywhere else even if that "horrible" doc was there.

10:03 PM  
Blogger gmanty said...

It is true the nurse said "Hurry up" because the doctor was so unbelievable SLOW!. When getting his stitches out he was totally still and calm. He didn't require any restraints, even though the doctor who took the stitches out first suggested them.

The fact of the matter is that we had a child who is much less calm who at a similar age had no problems getting stitches from a doctor at a different hospital.The doctor at the other hospital was a pediatric doctor and that helped. It might help to get more doctors on staff that have experience with pediatric medicine.

After the doctor at Willowbrook finished and left the room, the nurse said that she was very sorry about our experience and that if she had been there from the beginning it would have been a much better experience. So maybe a person wouldn't normally have this kind of a problem because the nurse would be there to help the doctor make better decisions.

In our opinion the doctor who put the stitches in was horrible, and we are never going back. It is our right to have our opinion.

12:03 PM  

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