Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Time for a Change

I read an interesting story about a Texas town just outside of Fort Worth that changed it's name to Dish (click here for the story).

The residents of the Town will get free satellite service for ten years! That's pretty cool.

What would be really cool is if Houston could change it's name to Volkswagen and then all Houstonians could get free Lamborghinis.

Hmmm... Maybe I should ask Volkswagen about changing my name. If I change my name from George to Volkswagen, could I get free Lamborghinis for life? If I ran for election I could be the first US President named Volkswagen.

On second thought, I think sticking with George gives me a better chance at being President. Maybe I could change my middle name to Volkswagen.

No, that won't work either because if you recall I need to change my middle name to James.

I know!

Maybe Volkswagen would give me a free Lamburghini if I added Volkswagen as a second middle name. Let's see, my name would go from:

George Brian Manty


George James Volkswagen Manty

That's not bad. It even sounds a little Presidential. I could have a free Lamburghini and be President. How cool would that be?

Our TV has been cranky lately, so what I really need is a new TV. Maybe I will have to change my name to George James Sony Volkswagen Manty.

Come to think of it, I might as well go all out with this name change thing. How about:

George James Sony Volkswagen Sears Geico Maytag UPS Hershey's Nabisco Exxon Yahoo SBC Dish Time Warner Baskin Robbins Helzberg Merill Lynch Starbucks Lego Walt Disney Kroger Toni and Guy Levi Strauss Manty

Now that really has a nice to ring to it!

So here's the deal, if you run any of these companies please contact me about my future name change. Giving me free stuff for life could really pay off for your company. If you can't afford to name a Town or Football stadium after your company, how about a future President?

It's a win-win proposition.


Blogger gmanty said...

Will I get a free Lamborgini?

11:34 AM  

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