Monday, August 15, 2005

Republican, Democrat, Other

Some people might want to know what my political party affiliation is. The short answer is "none".

You guessed it now for the long, drawn out, possibly boring, answer.

So, here's the deal. I grew up going from Democrat (early in the Jimmy Carter years), to Republican (Ronald Reagan years). When George Bush Sr. was in office I became a Ross Perot fan. I switched parties on my voter registration from Republican to whatever Ross Perot's party name was. I even voted for Ross Perot (so did a lot of other people I know. So many people I knew voted for Ross Perot that sometimes I wonder about voter fraud in that election, but that's another story altogether).

Over time, I have flip flopped between parties. Even showing interest in the Constitution Party and the Libetarian party. Eventually, I have decided that I have no party affiliation. I just want what's right for the country. Some of you may think I have a vendetta against the Republicans or the Democrats. But that's not really true. I could take about 30-40% of each their platforms and add about %20-40 of the Libertarians platform and I think I would be fairly satisified.

I also don't have anything against George Bush. I am sure he is a decent human being, who is trying to help the country. I am not just saying that because of my Father's heavy involvement in the Republican party. I really don't buy into the conspiracy theories and so forth about our government. I think that most elected officials have some well meaning ideas, and want to help the country in the ways they feel are necessasry.

I just think that money, politics and other factors blind them to the truth sometimes.

I know there was nothing funny in this post, so next time I will have to come up with something Laugh Out Loud funny. So if you don't see any posts on this blog for days, weeks, months, maybe years, it's because I am trying to come up with something really funny to post...

Ummm, on second thought scratch that last paragraph. Here's what it should say:

I know there was nothing funny in this post, so next time I will have to come up with something Laugh Out Loud mildly funny amusing.

Yes, that is much better. Now you should hear from me sooner. It should only take me a few months to come up with something mildly amusing...


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