Friday, August 05, 2005

As President What Super Powers Would I Want

I came across a recent post on blogging baby regarding what super powers parents would want to have. You can read my response here.

And I thought to myself,

"What super powers would I want if I were President?"

Now that is a hard question to answer. I mean there's:

Super Strength,
Lazer Vision,
Spidey Senses,
Ability to breathe without oxygen (or hold breath indefinitely),
X-Ray Vision,
Super Hearing,
Shape Shifting,
Flame throwing,

This list seems like it could go on indefinitely.

Anyway, I was thinking about it and I think the Super Powers I would most want are:

1. Invisibility
Why? Because after I give a press conference I can just turn invisible. No follow-up questions would be sweeeeeet.

2. Time Travel
If I ever slipped up while under the media's microscope, I could just go back in time a few minutes and fix things.

3. Super Strength, Flying, X-Ray Vision, Laser eyes, etc. (without the Kryptonite vincibility)
I would like to have all of Superman's powers without the kryptonite issue. That way whenever there was a terrorist like Osama Bin Laden on the loose, I could fly over to where we think he is, use my x-ray vision to find him, and capture him without worrying about silly bullets or bombs bothering me.

Actually, Superman's powers would come in use in many situations. For instance, I am fairly certain I could use them to get rid of the ants at my house.

4. Mind Control
I know this is a free country and all, but man it would be cool to have the Super Power of mind control as President. With mind control I could make sure that Congress passed all the changes I wanted to make. How cool would that be!


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