Thursday, July 13, 2006

An Ipod for Everyone!

Yesterday, I mentioned that my eight year anniversery was Monday. Well, I was shocked by the anniversery present Jill got me...


I am SOOOOOO LOVING IT! I listened to a podcast on my way to work today, it was great. She bought me a 30GB ipod and a really cool converter that allows me to listen to my ipod through the speakers in my car by brodcasting the podcast using an FM radio signal.

Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you Jill for my new ipod I love it! If I were President I would give every citizen in the country an ipod, because IPODS are way cool!

Maybe I can get some backing from Apple for my campaign...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Free iPod? OK, now you have my vote! :)

And congrats on your anniversary.

8:41 PM  
Blogger gmanty said...

Looks like I have found a truly winning campaign promise.

6:41 AM  

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