Monday, October 03, 2005

Comment Change and Yet Another Reader!

I got my first comment on this blog the other day which made me realize two things:

1. I have yet another reader of my blog.

2. My comment settings were too restrictive.

I found this out because the other day Liz Fierge commented that she reads my blog. She happens to have her own blogger blog ( which is actually pretty fun to read. Go check it out and then come back here.

I decided I would respond to her comment. I found out you have to login with your blogger ID to comment on my blog. Apparently, when I enabled comments on this blog, I set it so that only those who had a blogger account could comment. I changed that setting so that anyone can comment. So feel free to post your comments, just keep them kid friendly and be sure to read my comment SPAM policy before commenting on anything.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think any resource on the web should be made available to any kind of opinion, so making adjustments to allow this is a good start.

11:20 PM  
Blogger gmanty said...

That is an interesting perspective. I think the only problem is the potential abuse, especially for commercial sites. Currently, a rival can spam the web with mis-information about a company and the person who does this can do this without any backlash. If the commercial company allowed this on their site, they would open themselves up to this sort of spam. However, it would be nice if more companies opened them selves up for potential criticism.

6:23 AM  

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