Sunday, December 12, 2004

Matthew for Vice President

My oldest son (Matthew) asked me today if I had any new posts on my blog. I told him that I had not been posting too much recently, because I have been busy with other endeavors. He mentioned how he really liked my post on Green Lantern, but there was one BIG problem with it. I asked him what and he said,
"You shouldn't have picked Hal Jordan, you should have picked Matthew Archer Steiner as the Green Lantern you wanted to run with."

I said that most people would not know that he (my son, Matthew Archer Steiner) is also know as the Green Lantern in our house.

Then he said, "You know what Dad, if I were your Vice President I would get all the scientist to vote for you, because I would tell them one of my great ideas (future inventions) if they voted for you."

Well he does have great ideas, so maybe he could get the scientific community to vote for me. But then he added, "Dad, and if they didn't vote for you I would trap them in a green bubble."

I laughed out loud. That was very funny. I was starting to think that maybe my son Matthew Archer Steiner should be the Green Lantern that runs with me in 2008!

Matthew is eleven now and will turn fifteen just before election day, 2008. So what we need is a constitutional ammendment to lower the minimum age requirement for Vice President down to the age of fifteen. If we can somehow get this ammendment passed, then Matthew and I could run as a Father and Son team. That would be cool.

The only other thing we would need is for Matthew to invent one of those cool Green Lantern power rings...


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